Convention Planning provides three categories of volunteers with differing expectations and time commitments. Some roles start many months prior to convention while others start when you arrive at the convention.
If you’re interested in volunteering, please complete the form below.
Formulario de Interés en Voluntariado
Coordinators are full-time volunteers appointed by Convention Planning staff to give leadership to a specific area of convention. Their work involves program planning and recruiting additional volunteer staff prior to convention as well as supervising their volunteers as they carry out the activities during the convention week. Coordinator’s expenses are covered (including travel and lodging) during the week of convention.
Associate Volunteer
Associate Volunteers are full-time volunteers who are recruited by the Coordinators to assist in carrying out the goals of a specific program during the convention week. Associate Staff are expected to pay their own travel and a discounted registration fee of $200. Lunch during convention is provided on site. Lodging is covered.
Daily Volunteers
Daily volunteers are registrants who wish to donate a portion of their time during the convention week. Worship ushers, seminar ushers and meal ticket takers are examples of roles volunteers might fill. Volunteers who donate 20+ hours during the week receive a refund of half of their registration fee after convention. Volunteers will be contacted and assigned by the Volunteer Coordinator. Lodging is not covered.
Questions? Contact us! Convention@MennoniteUSA.org